Kawaii! -
Cute! Exclaiming Kawaii ne? is a national past
time. Last week a 6 year Kowaii -
Scary. I only mention it because its pretty close to
kawaii. Don't Kakko ii -
Cool appearance wise. This is roughly the same in
usage as Kawaii, Sugoi!/Sugei! - Cool as in Wow! that's cool!. Saiko! - Superlatively
wonderful. When I started, I had a first year student Wakarimasen / wakaranai - I don't understand. Wakkanai / wakkane! -
Colloquial form of wakarimasen. Frequently
shouted Iya - No Iyada! Ya da! -
That sucks! there's no way! This comes after kids
are asked Yatta! - I did it! Exclamation made after a successful communication attempt. Muri - Impossible Nandakke? - Said
when one is unsure and trying really hard to think of what Gaijin Da! - A really rude way to say, Oh, a foreigner! (literally, outsider). Yappari - As
expected. Once when I was taking photos at the shrine, I heard Dekai! - Huge, giantarific. The correct response is Ah! Mijikai/ chichai! Ashi (wa) nagai!! - Long
legs. All foreigners have long legs. and big boobs. Hana (ga) takai! - We
also all have high noses. Although, foreigners of Asian Umai - Excellent.
as in, Umai! Hashi! (Your use of Chopsticks is excellent!) Joozu - Well.
as in 'Nihongo wa joozu'. Any Japanese utterance will earn Mou kekkou desu. - The
most efficient way of refusing food or drink. If your Onegaishimasu - Please.
The best way to ask for more food or drink. Atsui ne? - Hot
isn't it? A must know for everyone going to Japan. This will Samui ne? - Cold isn't it? (note: there is no 'warm,
isn't it?' or 'cool, isn't it?' (mushi atsui is humid). |
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