The name's chan, Tarachan. O.K., that's not my real name, its just a
nickname. So who am I? Are you dying to know? What
make's you think I'd post such What's your name? I already told you. Birthday? January 5th,
1979. Presents and cards can be sent in advance. How old are you? You can add, can't you? When were you in Japan? July 17th, 2000 to July 23rd, 2001. Where at in Japan? Kamaboko
capital of the universe, Shiogama city Where are you from? St. Louis, MO. (That's safe to admit, isn't it?) Where'd you go to school? University of Montana, Missoula. What'd you study?
little bit of archaeology and Asian Why? Why do you care?! Quit asking hard questions. What are you doing after JET? Is
this a trick question? Am I supposed Grad School, eh? What for smarty pants? Sshh....don't
let them know I That's two different subjects, what's the matter, don't know what your doing? I don't have to take this badgering from you. Defensive, aren't we? NO! Shut up, poohead. Are you allowed to insult yourself in a mock interview?
Thats a stupid Got any hobbies? Besides
all the loyal energy I devote to my web page? Are you married? Got any kids? OW! Hey! That was uncalled for! Anything else you'd like to share?
the matter, can't think of any What color is your underwear? That's
privileged information, cheeky Wow. I think that's enough questions for today. How about
you? Well, if you can't Uumm....Okay.
then. But you have to show me your underwear before we Thanks. |
Hey! What time is it in Japan? Webmaster: Me flaksjdf;laBOT! aasd BOT BOT!alsdkjfkdjf BOT!