Things you
can't buy in Japan
You'll have to get used to it eventually,
but you can put it off as long as possible.
1. Fluoride toothpaste
2. Deodorant.
Okay, they do sell cans that say
deodorant, but its really
just aerosol perfume. Japanese people don't sweat, so
don't be fooled by
these products. You'll kick yourself if you run out of
your own with several
weeks of sweat drenched summer ahead of you. Bring the
extra value size,
and have someone who can ship you more in the future.
3. Vitamins. (and mineral supplements)
They are really expensive and come in
really small bottles.
4. Drugs.
They do sell the same aspirins here,
but it may take a while to figure out which
box is for PMS and which is for constipation. Just
remember, drugs with codeine
can't be brought in. If your caught, anyway. If you know
you'll need something
for headaches or cramps, bring a full bottle or two with you.
5. Tampons.
Once again, if you find them, they come in really small
boxes and cost a lot.
Its a really embarrassing topic
for store clerks, so don't think you can ask
for help in locating them. Bring an economy
size supply.
6. Condoms
I won't pretend to have any experience
here, but from what I've heard
they do come in different sizes. Its also not a popular
practice, so if you
plan on partying upon your arrival, I would come prepared. They aren't
however, impossible to find, so don't think you have to come prepared for
a whole
year. I also don't think they have birth control pills readily
here, you'll
have to check on how many months' supply your allowed to bring in.
7. Makeup.
Anything but foundation is
abundant. Foundations come in yellow skin tones.
Any other cosmetic or skin care product can be found, with a much
better selection, too.
8. English reading material.
In six months you'll be elated to read
a trash rag if it's in English. Large cities
have expensive foreign book stores, your local JET chapter may
have a library.
If you know you'll be stuck in the country, and you have room, bring some
Make room for at least one.
9. Pictures of your home.
Obviously, but you might be too busy to
think of it. Take some photos of your
house, inside and out, and your family and friends. It will
make your first day
of work a lot easier. Any local sites, or fairs, will go over
great. Even cars
and pets. Any magazines with photos of your country are also great.
10. Souvenirs from your hometown.
A lot of people will be busy preparing
for your arrival, bring a couple small
gifts for your supervisor and boss. You may be invited to
someone's home as
a guest, its customary to bring a gift. Something small from home will go over
great, and save you the trouble of shopping when you first arrive. Local tourist
often have promotional gifts for schools or businesses, ask about it.
11. Whole grain bread, Turkey sandwiches, and Dr.
You can't bring it with you, but you
can stuff yourself so silly that when
you leave you don't even want to look at it for another year.
* Email me any questions or comments and I'll add to
the list.